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TETRAgnatha sunt bare LED liniare construite pe tehnologia Spiider si Tarantula si TETRA2 este lider inconstestabil al familiei Tetra.

Generand un unghi ultra strans de 4 grade din fiecare din cei 18 pixeli, se combina pentru a produce o "coala" de lumina puternica, ceruta de directorii de imagine. Perdele de lumina insesizabile pot fi create folosind instalatii cu multiple corpuri, incluzand si optiunea de a folosi diferite generatii, TETRA1 sau TETRA2, pastrand distanat egala intre pixeli. Adaugand doua tehnologii patentate ROBE, MCFE - Multi-Coloured Flower Effect, TETRA2 se diferentiaza fata de piata prin proiectarea animatiilor aeriene.

Undele omogenizate, impreuna cu un zoom fin de 11:1, ofera un efect wash out la 45 de grade, o amprenta a luminii, iluminarea cladirii sau efecte aeriene dinamice cu miscari rapide si precise. Utilizand ultima noastra solutie pentru reglare a intensitatii, L3 (Low Light Linearity), pentur o tranzitie imperceptibila catre negru, panoul de 18 pixeli ofera optiune ultra-fina de combinare a culorilor pe tot spectrul. Un switch Ethernet incorporat in ROBE TETRA 2 si o gama larga de protocoale (sACN, Art-Net sau Kling-Net) ofera o conectare facila la retea si usurinta in manipulare prin media server-e, DMX sau din engine-ul intern.

TETRAgnatha’s are linear bars building on the Spiider and Tarrantula technology with TETRA2™ the uncompromising leader of the Tetra family.

Generating an ultra-tight 4° beam from each of the 18 pixels, they combine to produce a bright, defined “sheet” of light, desired by Lighting Designers. Seamless curtains of light can be constructed using several fixtures as the detailed design allows any combination of TETRA1™ and TETRA2™ to be placed end to end on stage or truss, whilst maintaining equal spacing between pixels. With the addition of two exclusive Robe patented MCFE™ – Multi-Coloured Flower Effects, the pixel-driven Tetra1 sets itself apart from others by projecting charismatic in- air animations.

The homogenised beams, together with the smooth 11:1 zoom, provide; a wash out to 45°, a footlight, a wall graze or dynamic in-air effects with fast paced sweeping movements. Utilizing our latest L3™ (Low Light Linearity) dimming system for an imperceptible fade to black, the 18-bit control provides ultra-smooth colour mixing across the full colour spectrum. An embedded Ethernet switch and wide range of protocols (sACN, Art-Net or Kling-Net) allow a quick network installation and ease of control from media servers, DMX or the internal effects engine.


  • Source
    • Light source type: 18x 40W RGBW LED multichips
    • LED life expectancy: min. 50.000 hours
    • Typical lumen maintenance: L70/B50 @ 50.000 hours

    Optical system
    • Robe’s proprietary optical design
    • Zoom range: 4°- 45°
    • Highly efficient component optics
    • Fixture total lumen output: 8.439 lm

    Dynamic Effects and Features
    • Colour mixing mode RGBW or CMY
    • Individual control of each RGBW pixel
    • Variable CCT: 2.700K - 8.000K
    • Tungsten lamp effect: 750W, 1.000W, 1.200W, 2.000W, 2.500W lamp emulation for whites from 2.700K to 4.200K
    (red shift and thermal delay)
    • DataSwatch™ filters: pre-programmed 237 colours and tones including most used whites 2.700K, 3.200K, 4.200K,
    5.600K and 8.000K
    • Pre-programmed pixel effects with colour, dimming and strobe chases, waves and pulses at variable speed and
    • 2x MCFE™ - Multi-Coloured Flower Effects – creating spectacular multicolour beam effects in the air rotating in both
    directions at variable speed (patent pending)
    • Motorized zoom
    • 2 independent zoom zones
    • Pre-programmed random strobe & pulse effects
    • Electronic strobe effect with variable speed up to 20 Hz
    • High resolution electronic dimming: 0 - 100%
    • L3™ - (Low Light Linearity) Imperceptible 18 bit dimming for ultra smooth fade to black

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